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Do you have a noblemen in your favour this year ?

Writer's picture: Ken KohKen Koh

The Chinese zodiac system has a fascinating way of assigning the influences of stars on an individual as identified by that person's zodiac classification. While there exists differing methods of such assignment, the general outlook remains consistently similar.

Among the positive stars' influence is the presence of the Noblemen stars in one's favor. Such an influence helps you tremendously as one goes through the rigors of life. You count on them when there is a need to level up in your quests for success and to intercept troubles when you are not looking behind your backs.

Not all Noblemen are nice folks.

In the Year of the Wood Snake 2025, several of us are endowed with noblemen of different genres. Before I get into the details, one must note that not all of these stars come in suit and tie.

In fact, some may appear in your life as your mortal enemy, one who pushes you to the limits that you first vow revenge before you turn into your better self. We must all realize that some nudges and discomfort are necessary ingredients to success. Examples are the bully in class who motivated you to fight back and the competitor who did some nasty backend tactics and forced you to change your entire business model. At the end of it all, how your noblemen is going to lift you out of misery and put you on a path of glory depends on your personal efforts in utilizing them. They provide the necessary resources, assistance, connections and emotional capitals. Use them appropriately.

The Emperor and the Dragon Virtue.

Often paired up, they belong to those who are born on the years of the Rat or has a Rat in their charts.

The Emperor in the Rat this year assigns them with the power to call the shots, mobilize human capitals, make decisions and call it the rule of the day. Especially great for market leaders, corporate heads, policy makers and influencers on social media. Managed well, they add a shine of charisma and respect for Rats.

The Dragon Virtue is the executioner. Precise, swift and determined, they act on the orders of the Emperor. Without the Dragon Virtue, the Emperor will be all talk.

The Elegant Seal.

This goes to the Ox. It is a noblemen of style and showmanship. With this, Ox can step up in areas of contents, quality of deliverance and great creativity. Do you step up on stage to speak, sing or dance ? Are you busking in the streets ? Podcasting or on YouTube ? Writing your thesis or working on a book ? This is the one energy that pumps you with the ideas and inspirations to keep going.

The Heavenly Virtue.

Let's face it. We all can do with a little luck on a daily dose.

Heavenly Virtue is an all-rounder protection against failures and shocks. It is the watchful eye over your every move and provides vital signals for you to stop, slow down and check when you are caught up in your euphoria of success which often invites jealousy and attacks.

The Duke Arrival.

Snakes have the back of the Duke Arrival. We all know that being a Snake year in 2025, you are said to offend the Grand Duke (Tai-Sui). On the positive note, you could turn this into a distinct advantage by putting the forward an active role by assuming responsibilities and leading roles. In reality, be open to opportunities of assuming a function, role, new environment or people whom you deal with. For job seekers, this can mean a better year of more choices that you can consider.

The Sun Star.

In favor of Horses, this is a problem solving energy that is so powerful, it dissolves most of life's issues. This will be the best time for Horses to tackle any problems, past and present. For example, if you have procrastinated over a health issue, pick up the courage and face it now. Stand up to your competition and solve relationship issues this year. Do you have outstanding issues with authorities ? It may not absolve you from your mistakes but at least, this is the time for you to own up and a viable option may be presented to you. In other words, you will be seen in better light, clarity also comes with an energy that puts you in an honest position for negotiations and empathy

.The Moon Star.

This is a star of inspiration, The Yin of all energies, it is also the soft way of handling problems. It gets you around by solutions, reasoning, patience and the wisdom of stepping aside when there are troubles ahead. The Moon Star is also one that makes it appearance as a wise and well-informed female personality. To maximize this positive energy, put aside your personal pride, listen and pick up the details of advice.

The Monthly Virtue.

If you are running a business, a chain supply operations or a customer service functions, there will be recurring problems that are being fed to you daily. If and when you do not solve them on time and they build up, your problems will grow rather exponentially in a very short time. The Monthly Virtue Star would be the solution to this. Even if we are not in business or working in an organization, a homemaker will still have to handle daily issues. To use this effectively, people who are born in Dog years will be better equipped and should keep it going by tackling problems in an effective and immediate manner.

The Month Emptiness.

This works differently for Pigs this year as it functions to reduce unnecessary burdens and responsibilities. This frees you from work that are not meant to be your scope of work. For example, your caring for others will be shared and distributed with other stakeholders. Month Emptiness also reduces your involvement in other peoples' businesses, giving you better control over your time.

With these noblemen stars in your favor, less becomes a better option to increase your output, playing it smart will certainly increase your productivity and results while utilizing precious resources and capitals.


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