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Stretching from 1st January 2025 to 31st January 2026, this book on auspicious days follows up on daily functions with the best times for executive actions.

An updated format includes:

  1. Why preparing for the new year starts with the Winter Solstice

  2. Au Revoir to the Kitchen God

  3. The significance of the Reunion Dinner

  4. Inviting the God of Wealth

  5. The Chinese New Year

  6. The Lantern Festival

  7. The mid Autumn Festival

Order now and get your copy shipped and mailed out 1st November to get ahead of the Year of the Wood Snake.

E-book available from 15th November 2024.

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

What drives you.

In an ever-changing world, we are confronted with decision making processes which can either bring us closer to our goals or shatter our dreams. Good outcomes empower us, add confidence and frame us in success mode.

Poor results often bring despair, disappointments, create uncertainties and compel us to overthink when opportunities arise. What are the some of the things that we can do to position ourselves better so that we are at least oriented towards better informed choices ? What then, is necessary for us to be better equipped such that at least, we have options not to do anything that endanger or disadvantage us.

Fortunately for us today, we have access to information, tools, systems and practices that enable us to chart a path towards achievements. They fall under the forecasting or divinations models, all of which have their respective commands of pointing what lies ahead. These systems essentially offer visualization of an eventuality as a result of your qualities that are affixed to your life. It means you have little or no control over what is to come or happen. Many call this 'fate' which tells us to accept whatever has been mapped out and planned for us in life.

Ba Zi - getting a grip on your personal future.

We all know that given the right conditions, resources, motivations and a dose of good advice go a long way to change our lives. People have choices, even in the most dire of situations - the difference it makes is whether you do things the right way. Not everyone has the good fortune to be born or endowed with resources and environment. But the one thing you can create is the opportunities to meet the right people and that can make all the difference in the world. How do you get to meet the right people ? It lies in the interaction between you and those you meet. This is a question of character.

Character - who you are.

Four words often describe a person's character - 'I am like that'.

Many promising men fail, not for their lack of talents, but for their lack of character.

We all love and live a life on our own terms, comfort, safety, routines and habits. It is not an easy thing for people to change that for no good reasons because it offers no benefits, create problems, upset the usual way of doing things and takes conscious effort. A study suggests that people who exercise regularly do it for intrinsic motivation, goals and the incentive of good health. In short, an inactive person will find it almost impossible to get of out bed on his own to exercise if the factors do not define him. But, if this is the advice of doctors, he will be forced to start being active for fear of his health taking a bad turn. Your character is defined by your personal element in your Ba Zi chart which highlights most of your negative attributes.

Personality - what you become.

A personality is your own projection of who you become when changes in you make you a better and more functional image that will attract others to you. It is your identity, image and your personal brand unique only to you.

We can see in life how people overcome adversaries and the harshest conditions to be successful. Successful people are personalities in their own right. They function because of their work and creativity which is enjoyed and benefitted by others, who compensate them in more ways than financially.

Two things will change a person's character.

One - a defined benefit or an enticing motivation.

Two - enforcement.

The analysis of Ba Zi focuses on what a person will turn out to be. To shape up your personality, one needs to know how to bring up his or her individual positive traits. This can be identified with the personal element or the 'day master' of your Ba Zi chart.

Doing things right.

Life is a constant stream of judgement. We often question if we are doing the right things. This would be impossible because a certain outcome may benefit one but disadvantage another. We will be better guided when we perform our best by 'doing things the right way', minus the emotional factor. Getting things right is the first step of realization based upon your strengths, how you maximize it and attune your habits to being appreciated for your inputs and work. Doing things right is a conscious effort which is determined by the management of your main profile in you Ba Zi chart. Are you a 'resource profile' ? Then, you are likely to factor in information, intelligence and serious consideration before you make a decision. Whether this is the right 'dosage' depends largely on the overall composition of the elements in your chart. A 'wealth profile' operates objectively and is more utilitarian in approach. Doing things right is not doing things that you enjoy most or most comfortable with.

Matters of Yin and Yang.

Why does one excel in management of others while another is better at investigative work ? If work, career and business is your burning question, the composition of your Ba Zi chart tells you if you are more suited to operate alone, in a team, go solo in your business or need to share the burden with partners and collaborations. Your chart can be delved into your acumen and scope of work. The distinction of each element brings out your personal abilities and empathy. These qualities will fit you into functions and necessities of working in any given environment, dealing with coworkers, handling clients and managing superiors. Being 'strong' doesn't mean it is all good and being 'weak' does not equate to any deficiencies. It is all about how you manage them and a responsible Ba Zi professional must take a non-judgmental position and a role with no vested interest of the client.

It's all in the timing.

If there is a time for everything, then it is as applicable as it is for Ba Zi. Your life has a time structure in which opportunities and results rise and dissipate. There is a profound system of understanding what is supporting your efforts and what the likely result is going to turn out. This is connected to the understanding of whether the elements in your luck cycle is going your way or against your best efforts. Any major decision, be it a career switch, going into business, purchasing a property and huge investments require that element of luck, figuratively speaking. If things are seen to be against you, wouldn't it be a better choice to hold until the right time arrives ? What if, for the better argument that the appropriate time is seen too far and too late ? Then, in the eyes of a responsible and experienced Ba Zi consultant, alternatives are always available.

The year's energies - the need to know what to plan for and do today.

Not everyone is a fan of long term plans and certain things just cannot wait. For example, the need to look for another job when it can be seen that the company is not doing well. Or, trying to get out of a toxic and abusive relationship that brings more harm if delayed.

This can be examined with the inputs of the year's auxiliary stars that affect the individual. Most common of all comes the effect of the Grand Duke or Tai-Sui of that year while the rest of the 100 plus stars will guide you with their respective influences over your outcomes.

While one seeks a solution to his or her personal problems, the decision still hangs with that person. A recommendation from a professional Ba Zi consultant must remain unbiased and fair. Each year comes with a fair share of positive and unfavorable stars and it is through this reference, that many will be encouraged to take bold steps and precise executions of plans to free themselves of repeated issues and abuses and hopefully to experience a new life path free from burden.

Financial opportunities - where do I get them ?

There is nothing wrong in pursuit of wealth. Money empowers our efforts to seek a better life for ourselves and those around us. Wealth can be translated into various functions in Ba Zi, but it always is beneficial to have wealth stars in your chart if money is an important driver in your life. There is two broad categories, direct and indirect wealth.

Direct wealth is financial compensation derived form your professional output and creativity. It is stable and consistent as this is the direct translation of your personal skills that will remain with you. There is a limit to actualizing this because there is a time factor as well as your ability to duplicate your efforts.

Indirect wealth is supplementary gratification as a result of your participation in a wider scheme of opportunities and chances. This wealth sees no ceiling nor limits. Indirect wealth stars in a person drive entrepreneurial spirits and ideas. They will be equally adept at investments as they are in business.

What if you find that your personal chart does not come with any wealth stars ?

You have two choices, go out there, get smart and do what it takes to actualize your wealth or like the majority of non-achievers, resign to fate and say you will remain poor forever. Many successful and seriously rich and wealthy people seize their opportunities, work on them furiously and never give up. When would this be best to happen ? When you luck cycle arrives, which can be identified in your chart or do things that will monetize your efforts.

Relationships - why some are at peace while others remain miserable.

Are you looking for love ? Already married or hoping to improve your relationship with your spouse and partner ? Ba Zi is a reference from one person's point of view. A person loving and trying to get near another may not be reciprocated in the same fashion. Relationships are matters of the heart and emotions. One is definitely better off by examining intensely one's position in areas of love. There are five major categories from a Ba Zi perspective. You either support, control, receive, be manipulated or are on equal terms with your partner. The best part of relationship diagnosis is knowing your partner, know what directions they are heading, what their intents are and how ready they are at the point of commitment.

Health - you won't feel it until poor health strikes you.

An important but usually ignored subject in Ba Zi analysis is the discussion of health. Based on the principles of the five elements, Yin and Yang polarities, one can easily see why the association of the five elements to the five major body organs serve as key reference to a person's vitality and health threats. More often than not, when factored with an individual tendencies in his or her chart, one can be led into their state of health. Coupled with the luck pillar and the different energies disposed by years, red flags can be raised timely for a person to watch out for vital signs and precautions.

Should you consider a professional Ba Zi analysis ?

Some do it out of curiosity while many will have specific concerns to address. With an in-depth analysis, the session is an extremely intimate and personal matter. I advise that one should not go through this frivolously. Choose your consultant carefully and vet through his or her experience and abilities.

A good Ba Zi session must be carried out by one with good articulation that comes with certain degrees of understanding humanities subjects. Being connected to current affairs is also an important factor for the consultant to offer relevant advice. What if one is being asked a simple question such as 'should I take up the once-in-a lifetime opportunity to work as a social worker in Cambodia ?' or 'do you think I should divorce my husband on account of his behavior ?'. Is the consultant you choose going to adopt a non-judgmental position and advise with all possible empathy towards every unique situation.

Do not discuss your life matters in a cafe within ear shot of others.

Your Ba Zi consultant must be a proper set up. As serious as it gets, you as the client deserves all the privacy and comfort. It will be advised for one to be comfortably seated in a properly equipped office. Time and respect should be accorded to you at all times so that the session brings out the best in the consultant and the best results for you. Of course, he or she must possess the temperament, maturity and ability to articulate in simple words of an already complicated topic.

While it is encouraged to have this conducted in person, it works as well for those who are based in other countries and are well connected for virtual sessions.

Plot out your personal Ba Zi chart here and discover your elemental composition. In the following posts, I will open up to more topics relating to your chart and share with you how you can do a first-layer self discovery of yourself before you appoint your consultant.

It is more than a tradition to end the year with absolute results to show for improvements when a new year arrives.

In the past, as we would like to carry on the tradition, the Winter Solstice marks the beginning of a new year but this has since been shifted to be observed on the first day of the Chinese New Year,

In 2024, the Winter Solstice falls on Saturday, 21st December at 5.20pm.

Thus begins the preparation for the Year of the Wood Snake in 2025.

Of special significance are the observation of two practices that are said to set us on a path of a successful and prosperous start to the new year which falls on 29th January 2025, day one of the Chinese New Year.

Even before one thinks of having a great start, the house that we live in must be given a spring clean and whatever debts we have must be cleared, even if it is not in full, due to circumstances.

As with all things, selecting good dates to implement these two activities are believed to align us to better management and success towards our goals.

Spring cleaning involves the whole family. On the chosen date, the house may be given a fresh coat of paint. The house is cleared of clutter, corners are swept clean, old and things that have outlived their uses are sparingly thrown away. At the end of the day, the house must be in good shape to receive the good blessings of the new year. This usually takes place between a week and a month from Chinese New Year which falls on 29th January 2025. The good dates include Remove Days, Initiate and Danger Days and the following corresponds to days suitable for spring cleaning as they correspond to removal of old energies, initiating and inviting fresh hopes and opening to the opportunities that lie ahead.

31st December 2024 - Initiate Day

9th January 2025 - Remove Day

13th January 2025 - Initiate Day

15th January 2025 - Danger Day

21st January 2025 - Remove Day

25th January 2025 - Initiate Day

In the same token, it is also a very important factor to make an effort to clear what we owe and to return favors for what we have received. While it may not be possible for everyone to completely clear one's debts such as a home loan, the symbolism of the act puts us on track to a better management of our financial health. This serves as a reminder for us to be grateful and express gratitude to those who have helped us progress in life.

26th December 2024 - Establish Day

27th December 2024 - Remove Day

7th January 2025 - Close Day

19th January 2025 - Close Day

Mark these dates and get busy to welcome the God of Wealth soon.

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